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  • T. Ehrengardt (DREAD Editions)

First printing almost done! King Tubby rules nations with Versions...

The first printing of King Tubby's biography, The Dub Master (DREAD Editions), is almost sold out!

And it was not even reviewed anywhere... yet!

Thanks to all who ordered the book. This is very pleasing to see that King Tubby still fascinates people after all these years - and not only grown-ups! Many people from various countries got in touch with me, and believe me, King Tubby is still regarded as the musical genius to look up to by the young generation of engineers. Some people are still trying to do as good as he did some 50 years ago. Considering the technological evolutions that took place in-between, it tells a lot about Tubby's achievement.

The second printing is on its way, so there'll be no shortage of King Tubby! We corrected a few misspelt vwords here and there and added one little visual detail to give just another Version but this is exactly the same book.

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